What is COPD?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is an umbrella term that includes diseases that prevent the person suffering from normal breathing. COPD is subdivided into two main types based on the area of the lung they affect. These are:

Emphysema —Emphysema is a disorder that affects the alveoli or the air sacs of the lungs. The Alveoli is responsible for the gas exchange in the human body - it takes in the inhaled oxygen, pushes it into the bloodstream in exchange of carbon-dioxide. In Emphysema, this gas exchange function is affected as the alveoli are damaged. This results in the patient suffering from breathlessness even while not exerting themselves. The air inhaled is not pushed out, as the Alveoli have lost a majority of their function. The lungs stretch themselves as a result and the patient will feel it difficult to breathe out.

Bronchitis:When the bronchial tube (the air tube) leading to the lungs get inflamed, the patient experiences persistent cough which is an effort of the body to expel the excess mucous or any irritants that cause the inflammation. Such persistent and long spell of cough is called as Chronic Bronchitis which is a type of COPD. In Bronchitis, the cilia (hair like structure within the tract) in the airways are damaged and as a condition, fills the respiratory tract with mucus. Since the cilia cannot move, the excess mucus poses difficulty for a person to breathe.

What causes COPD?

COPD is caused by long term exposure to air pollution, cigarette smoking, exposure to irritants like gas etc. in the air. It cannot be cured directly but can be managed by treating symptoms and making lifestyle changes.

How Risky is COPD?

200 million people globally suffer from COPD, and 50 million in India suffer from COPD. Primarily, smoking and air pollution is the main reason in India for its large number of COPD patients and this number is increasing.

What are the Symptoms of COPD?

Symptoms of COPD include;

  • Chronic cough
  • Wheezing
  • Chronic breathlessness
  • Frequent chest infections
How is COPD treated?

Treatment of symptoms can include;

  • Bronchodilator medication – to dilate the airways. The medication is administered orally and most suited by inhalers.
  • Corticosteroids – to reduce inflammation and swelling of lung tissue. This is administered by an inhaler as well.
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